Team members

Lyn Jenkins
GP and Bereavement Counsellor
- MA (Cantab), BM BCh (Oxon), MRCOphth
- GP principal, Great Missenden (1979 – 2006)
- Hospital Practitioner in ophthalmology, Stoke Mandeville Hospital (1977 – 2000)
- Primary Care Ophthalmologist, Great Missenden (2000 – 2014)
- Bereavement support volunteer, Cruse (2018 – )

Iain Chalmers
Health Services Researcher
- Graduated in medicine, London University (1966)
- Clinician in UK National Health Service; United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, Gaza (1966 – 1973)
- Health services researcher, UK (1973 – 2019)
- Founding director of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (1978 – 1992), the UK Cochrane Centre (1992 – 2003), the James Lind Initiative (2003-2019), and The James Lind Library (1978 – )
- Knighted for services to health care (2000)

Peggy Frith
Consultant Physician and Educator
- MA Natural Sciences, Cambridge University (1970), MBBChir Oxford University Clinical School (1974), MD (Cantab) (2000), FRCP FRCOphth
- Consultant Eye Physician, Oxford University Hospitals (1996 – 2009) and University College London Hospital (1993 – 2014)
- Deputy Director of Clinical Studies, Oxford University (1998 – 2014)
- Fellow of New College, Oxford (since 2000)

Ruth Waterman
Lay Member
- Diploma, Juilliard School of Music, New York (1969)
- Solo violinist: violin recitals and concertos throughout most of the world, including BBC Proms (televised) and New York’s Great Performers at Lincoln Center
- Guest conductor of Hermitage State Orchestra (St Petersburg), and Mostar Sinfonietta (Bosnia) (2000 – 2006)
- Adjunct Professor of Violin and Chamber Music, City University of New York (1974 – 1991) Master classes, lectures, seminars at the Juilliard School, Oxford University, St Petersburg Conservatoire, Jerusalem Academy of Music, Royal Academy of Music etc (1978 – )
- Writer: When Swan Lake Comes to Sarajevo (an Observer Book-of-the-Year 2009); writer and performer Young Vic Theatre, London (Bosnian genocide) (2007)
Dr Iona Heath – former member IMOBP, GP, author, former President of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Dr Linda Wilson – Consultant in Palliative Medicine, clinical lead for Gold Line (an integrated end-of-life care pathway).
Sophie Thomas – Sophie worked for 40 years as a nurse and healthcare manager, mostly in cancer and palliative care in the NHS. For the 13 years before her retirement, she was the clinical lead for a charitably funded Hospice at Home service. Her particular interest is in advance care planning (ACP). She has been involved in ACP work since 2005, including the establishment and management of a nurse-led ACP service in Pembrokeshire which been operating since 2016. She now lives in Spain, where she is working as a volunteer with her local Red Cross team to develop an ACP service for English-speakers in the local area.
We are grateful to the following individuals for their invaluable advice and guidance at various points in this campaign:
Professor Richard Lehman – GP, British Medical Journal blogger, former Professor of The Shared Understanding of Medicine
David Waterman – former lay member of IMOBP, cellist (Endellion String Quartet), PhD in Philosophy (Cambridge)
Ruth Waterman – former lay member and editor of IMOBP, solo violinist, painter, former Professor City University of New York.
Team members

Lyn Jenkins
GP and Bereavement Counsellor
- MA (Cantab), BM BCh (Oxon), MRCOphth
- GP principal, Great Missenden (1979 – 2006)
- Hospital Practitioner in ophthalmology, Stoke Mandeville Hospital (1977 – 2000)
- Primary Care Ophthalmologist, Great Missenden (2000 – 2014)
- Bereavement support volunteer, Cruse (2018 – )

Iain Chalmers
Health Services Researcher
- Graduated in medicine, London University (1966)
- Clinician in UK National Health Service; United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, Gaza (1966 – 1973)
- Health services researcher, UK (1973 – 2019)
- Founding director of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (1978 – 1992), the UK Cochrane Centre (1992 – 2003), the James Lind Initiative (2003-2019), and The James Lind Library (1978 – )
- Knighted for services to health care (2000)

Peggy Frith
Consultant Physician and Educator
- MA Natural Sciences, Cambridge University (1970), MBBChir Oxford University Clinical School (1974), MD (Cantab) (2000), FRCP FRCOphth
- Consultant Eye Physician, Oxford University Hospitals (1996 – 2009) and University College London Hospital (1993 – 2014)
- Deputy Director of Clinical Studies, Oxford University (1998 – 2014)
- Fellow of New College, Oxford (since 2000)

Ruth Waterman
Lay Member
- Diploma, Juilliard School of Music, New York (1969)
- Solo violinist: violin recitals and concertos throughout most of the world, including BBC Proms (televised) and New York’s Great Performers at Lincoln Center
- Guest conductor of Hermitage State Orchestra (St Petersburg), and Mostar Sinfonietta (Bosnia) (2000 – 2006)
- Adjunct Professor of Violin and Chamber Music, City University of New York (1974 – 1991) Master classes, lectures, seminars at the Juilliard School, Oxford University, St Petersburg Conservatoire, Jerusalem Academy of Music, Royal Academy of Music etc (1978 – )
- Writer: When Swan Lake Comes to Sarajevo (an Observer Book-of-the-Year 2009); writer and performer Young Vic Theatre, London (Bosnian genocide) (2007)